matteobruni / object-gui

Object GUI - Javascript Object GUI Editor

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Where can I find information on v2, as available on the CDN?

bloomsder opened this issue · comments

Is there an outline available somewhere of:

  • Features added
  • How to implement (vs v1.0x for example)

Great work btw, cheers!

Hi @bloomsder,

Sorry I forgot to update the README. I've updated the sample codepen here:

The main difference is that you assign a function that returns the object instead of the object itself. This gives more flexibility when reassigning the object.

It's the only change, but it was a breaking one so I had to change the major version

Great, many thanks for the prompt response. One more thiing, and not an issue but since we're here...

I'm just getting into the code and also have a question about automap. I would like to have this solution where the data object is enough to instantiate the editor, to allow for a dynamic functionality. Working with v1.0.x and seeing that we must declare the input data, and subsequently via code declare the elements of the editor that correspond, I thought I would try out an approach where I have a meta data structure with the same keys as the data, and this gets fed to the addProperty function in a loop. This way I can allow for arbitrary editing of a wide range of formats, something I would benefit from in my project.

This is why I wanted to check on v2 features, but in the mean time I tried to study the code and make sure I've read things right and not re-inventing any wheels here. So I came across automap just now, and haven't yet figured it out. My TS/JS is a bit basic having not coded for a few years.

Once again, I really think this is a neat project, and couldn't find anything close to it, so kudos to you and the contributors. I see npm downloads are quite healthy but don't see much mention of this project around the web, which seems a bit odd.

I noticed that change when trying out v2, so that clears that up. If it's not to much trouble, a one liner about the use case for passing the function and not the object would help this dummy!

By example it should be clearer what I've implemented:

const data = {
enable: true,
name: "Bob",
weight: 100,
preference: "Option 2"
const metaData = {
enable: {
fieldType: "boolean",
label: "Enabled",
name: {
label: "Name",
fieldType: "string",
max: "20"
weight: {
label: "Weight (KG)",
fieldType: "number",
max: "200",
min: "0"
preference: {
label: "Preference",
fieldType: "select",
options: {
option1: "Option 1",
option2: "Option 2"

Then we have a function which the metadata is passed to after instantiating the editor something like this:

function populateEditor(characterEditor, property, propertyMetaData){}

I'm indenting the settings for number fields because then I can have a single implementation in the function that handles all the types, and the attributes are enumerated to set eg min, max, etc

I haven't yet implmented groups, and I also plan to handle passing in functions like with your alert example.

We can also use this approach with no meta data, falling back to string for everything. Still a powerful way to pull semi-arbitrary JSON into a GUI in a dynamic way without prescriptively writing the addProperty code.

Hope this makes sense, and I will be glad to learn I've got it all wrong and there's a built in way to avoid hard coding. I've only spent today on it and it's been fun

PS also trying to work out what 'attributes' work with string as with your number example, but like I said, slow going for me to understand this modern stuff. Would be good to pass in length and format restrictions, perhaps via a pattern match.

That's a great idea! Maybe a JSONSchema object could be used to gather information about the data object, but I have to check that it has all the informations needed, otherwise a custom one must be used.
I haven't advertised a lot this project because I needed it for the tsParticles editor but I decided to create a library instead of using it only there. I thought it could help others in the same condition.

Well it did help me so thanks. I also really enjoyed playing with tsParticles, and had to drag myself away.

Thanks for the heads up on JSONSchema, it seems I'm basically rolling my own version, never a good idea, so you caught me early there.

I don't mean to be demanding, you've been very helpful. Nonetheless, if you do have just a minute more, then after I'll leave you alone and go do my homework...

  • I take it I am correct in thinking only number has any secondary attributes (min, max, step) in object-gui right now.
  • I still don't know what automap is for. Not your problem, but any brief pointers would speed me up.
  • Likewise a use case for the v2 change where we pass a function to provide data would be insightful
  • Yes min, max and step are only for number type, the dropdown values must be added manually using addItems and addItemGroup
  • The autoMap parameter handles the changes automatically if set to true (default value)
  • The function instead of an object helps when you need to change the targeted object, I needed that in tsParticles since the Container.actualOptions could change on window resize for responsive options or for themes

Very kind of you to take the time. I'm grateful to be able to build on your great work