mattbrictson / airbrussh

Airbrussh pretties up your SSHKit and Capistrano output

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JRuby NoMethodError: undefined method `open?' for #<File:/dev/tty>

adamdilek opened this issue · comments

I'm getting this error in JRuby

cap aborted!
NoMethodError: undefined method `open?' for #<File:/dev/tty>
/usr/local/rbenv/versions/jruby- `console'
/usr/local/rbenv/versions/jruby- `console_width'
/usr/local/rbenv/versions/jruby- `truncate_to_console_width'
/usr/local/rbenv/versions/jruby- `print_line'
/usr/local/rbenv/versions/jruby- `print_line'
/usr/local/rbenv/versions/jruby- `write_banner'
/usr/local/rbenv/versions/jruby- `initialize'
/usr/local/rbenv/versions/jruby- `block in formatter'

Thanks for the report. For now, you can probably work around this by disabling auto-truncation. Try putting this code in your deploy.rb:

Airbrussh.configure do |config|
  config.truncate = false

I've confirmed this is a bug in jruby: the IO.console.winsize method doesn't work.

>> require "io/console"
>> IO.console
crw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel    2,   0 Sep 19 09:11 /dev/tty
>> IO.console.winsize
NoMethodError: undefined method `open?' for #<File:/dev/tty>
    from /Users/mbrictson/.rbenv/versions/jruby- `console'
    from (irb):3:in `<eval>'
    from org/jruby/ `eval'
    from org/jruby/ `loop'
    from org/jruby/ `catch'
    from org/jruby/ `catch'
    from /Users/mbrictson/.rbenv/versions/jruby- `<top>'

@muhammett can you open a bug report in ?

Thank you @mattbrictson . I report to jruby jruby/jruby#3340

This is apparently fixed in the next release of JRuby 9.x. I've also added a JRuby compatibility note to the Airbrussh README in ce927be. Closing.

@mattbrictson IO.console could be also nil if Ruby executable is called through a sudo su - user -c '~/.rvm/bin/rvm 2.3.1 do ruby -e -e "require %{io/console}; puts IO.console.winsize"' construction. It should be nil-checked anyway.

(To be honest, in this case @output.tty? should not be true, I think it's a bug in ruby, but should be workarounded.

$  sudo su - app -c 'cd /deploy/ && /home/app/.rvm/bin/rvm ruby-2.3.1@default do ruby -e "require %{io/console}; puts IO.console.winsize"'
-e:1:in `<main>': undefined method `winsize' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)

$ /home/app/.rvm/bin/rvm ruby-2.3.1@default do ruby -e "require %{io/console}; puts IO.console.winsize"

IO.console could be also nil

@hron84 Thanks for pointing that out! Can you open a new Airbrussh issue for the nil problem? It is not related to JRuby so it should be logged as a separate issue.