mattaylor / elvis

truthy, ternary, elvis and conditional assignment and conditional access operators for nim

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Support conditional access for function calls with args

mattaylor opened this issue · comments

Current conditional access templates fail to compile when matching function chains with extra args
The following fail to compile...

let tab = { "one": "uno" }.toTable
check(tab.?getOrDefault("one") == "uno") 
check(tab.?getOrDefault("two") == "")
check(tab.?getOrDefault("two", "unknown") == "unknown")

What's the error when it fails? I'll take a look in a bit.

template/generic instantiation of `.?` from here
/Users/mat/work/elvis/tests.nim(99, 49) Error: in expression 'tab.getOrDefault("one")': identifier expected, but found 'getOrDefault("one")'

I don't know how to capture the argument one in a template....

I was hoping for something like..

template `.?`*[T,U,V](left: T, right: proc (x: T, y:V):U, arg: V):U =
  if ?left:
    let r = left.right(arg)
    if ?r: r else: default(typeof(left.right)) 
  else: default(typeof(left.right))

But when I enable these kind of templates then I get compile errors from your chained access tests ie..

/Users/mat/work/elvis/tests.nim(86, 35) Error: undeclared identifier: 'data'
candidates (edit distance, scope distance); see '--spellSuggest':
 (1, 6): 'Data' [type declared in /Users/mat/work/elvis/tests.nim(22, 3)]

Assuming this is possible the next question would be how to handle multiple arguments, and chaining

I'm struggling to understand the error message from playing around with a small sample: here an identifier is expected:

Error: in expression 'a`': identifier expected, but found 'bar(1)' It looks like bar(1) is being included into the identifier, but it's a call. I've tried asking for help on the forum, but I'm mulling this over as well.

I see what's going wrong. The AST produced is using the wrong identifier for the call. Instead of using the last identifier of the conditional accessor, the first argument of the call node has to be the DotExpr created from the prior identifiers.

In otherwords if we have: d?.foo(1) The current AST looks like:

  Ident "d"
    Ident "foo"
    IntLit 1

but it should be:

    Ident "d"
    Ident "foo"
  IntLit 1

So a macro is required for that transformation.

Ive just pushed an update that provides an alternative workaround for this by introducing a 'default coalesce' operator ??
which returns the default of the right operand when it evaluates as falsey.
The following all work..

let opt0 = none(string)
let opt1 = some("one")
assert(??opt0.get.len == 0)
assert(??opt1.get.len == 3)
assert(??opt0.get("none").len == 4 

I would like to prefer to implement this as just a ? symbol that operates on a left operand, but im not sure if this is possible (or even a good idea) eg...

assert(opt0.get.len? == 0)
assert(opt1.get.len? == 3)
assert(opt0.get("none").len? == 4 

Nim doesn't have postfix operators. My preference is for the prefix anyways. Nice work!

Not sure about the operator syntax '??' feels clunky and overloaded. What about :? (like the Elvis coleasce but reversed) eg..
assert(:?opt1.get.len == 3)
assert(?!opt1.get.len == 3)
assert(?&opt1.get.len == 3)

With the new ?? is there really a reason to keep ?. or .? around? If you're ok with removing those we could just use ?. as a prefix operator. Otherwise, I'm fine with ??. It's probably going to be the operator I use the most.

I renamed ?? to ?. which I think reads well. I have also updated tests and docs and removed the original conditional access template but I have kept the new conditional access syntax .? for now. As some may find it useful.

assert(?.opt0.get.len == 0)
assert(?.opt1.get.len == 3)
assert(?.opt0.get("none").len == 4