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Potential to modify ordering for compare_exhange in imp_std module

wang384670111 opened this issue · comments

I developed a static analysis tool to detect issues related to memory ordering, thread performance, and security. During my examination of several crates, I encountered alarms triggered by the following code:


Lines 213 to 232 in c48d3c2

let node = Waiter {
thread: Cell::new(Some(thread::current())),
signaled: AtomicBool::new(false),
next: strict::map_addr(curr_queue, |q| q & !STATE_MASK),
let me = &node as *const Waiter as *mut Waiter;
let exchange = queue.compare_exchange(
strict::map_addr(me, |q| q | curr_state),
if let Err(new_queue) = exchange {
if strict::addr(new_queue) & STATE_MASK != curr_state {
curr_queue = new_queue;

The meaning of the code should be that we need to have a successful initialization operation in Line222, but the compare exchange also entails reading the atomic pointer to the exchange. Therefore, it's necessary to use AcqRel and Acquire to observe any other modifications to the memory that the atomic pointer references, both when the compare exchange succeeds and when it fails.

I think compare exchange for queue uses AcqRel for the success case and Acquire for the fail case.

(happy to make a PR if this looks reasonable)

Oh dear, that’s big if true, thanks! I think the same code has been running in std for the past four years?

It does look reasonable on the first glance: that compare exchange is an rmw (read-modify-write) operation, and, if we care to Relase w, we will probably want to Acquire r…

The linage of this ordering traces back to rust-lang/rust#65719, where SeqCst orderings were first relaxed.

Will take a close look once I properly wake-up 🤣

Hm, having properly woken up, I think the code is correct. The reason for that is the call site of this function:


Lines 202 to 203 in c48d3c2

wait(queue, curr_queue);
curr_queue = queue.load(Ordering::Acquire);

We actually don't need wait to have Acquire semantics, because we are going to just re-load with Acquire anyway?

It appears to be a false positive from my detector. Upon closer examination of the code, I realized that there is no dereferencing operation involved in the exchange, the strict::addr(new_queue) operates on the location of the pointer itself, rather than the address to which the pointer points, so using Relaxed here is acceptable. However, if dereferencing of the exchange is involved, Acquire should be used in this scenario.


Lines 226 to 232 in c48d3c2

if let Err(new_queue) = exchange {
if strict::addr(new_queue) & STATE_MASK != curr_state {
curr_queue = new_queue;

It seems that I have to modify the detection pattern😂.

Hm, having properly woken up, I think the code is correct. The reason for that is the call site of this function:


Lines 202 to 203 in c48d3c2

wait(queue, curr_queue);
curr_queue = queue.load(Ordering::Acquire);

We actually don't need wait to have Acquire semantics, because we are going to just re-load with Acquire anyway?

I agree, Acquire is fine here.

After lying in bed for a while, I feel much more awake now! The ordering in the code is fine, and I've figured out how to modify the detector pattern. I think we can consider this issue closed. Good night! 😴