mathworks / MATLAB-extension-for-vscode

This extension provides support for editing MATLAB® code in Visual Studio® Code and includes features such as syntax highlighting, code analysis, navigation support, and more.

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Ctrl + C without selection to copy entire line doesn't work for MATLAB files.

SimiliaSimilibusSolvuntur opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Pressing ctrl + c without selecting any code usually does allow you to copy the line your cursor is in. This is not working for MATLAB files but for Python and R I don't have any issues.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to MATLAB file.
  2. Place cursor without selecting anything
  3. Press ctrl + c
  4. Press ctrl + v nothing was copied.

Expected behavior
Should copy the entire line.

Useful Information

  • OS Version: Windows 11
  • VS Code Version: Version:
    1.88.0 (user setup)
    Commit: 5c3e652f63e798a5ac2f31ffd0d863669328dc4c
    Date: 2024-04-03T13:26:18.741Z
    Electron: 28.2.8
    ElectronBuildId: 27744544
    Chromium: 120.0.6099.291
    Node.js: 18.18.2
    OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.22631

Thank you for reporting this issue. This is something I can reproduce and is something that we will be working on resolving in a coming release.

As a workaround in the meantime, you can change or remove the keyboard shortcut for the "MATLAB: Interrupt" command.


Thx for the workaround.