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MathJax source code for version 3 and beyond

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For whatever reason eval being executed in production mode

solomax opened this issue · comments


for whatever reason this code being executed at my app :(

Long version:
We are using MathJax to draw beautiful formulas at Apache OpenMeetings:
And browserify as build tool

We are using some sort node-like configuration

Everything was working as expected (and still working in DEV mode)
BUT for whatever reason in PRODUCTION eval is being called to determine the MathJax version :(

I've hacked this by adding window.PACKAGE_VERSION = '3.2.1'; to my source code
But this a bit dirty :(

Maybe it would be possible to introduce some eval-free mode?
Or maybe I'm doing something wrong?
Or maybe it would be possible to store version in some pre/post build step? :)))

Thanks in advance for the help :)

MathJax uses the webpack DefinePlugin to replace PACKAGE_VERSION by the actual version:

const package = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'package.json');
// Record the js directory for the pack command
return [new webpack.DefinePlugin({
__JSDIR__: jsdir,
PACKAGE_VERSION: `'${require(package).version}'`

(so web components will have the value) and tries to look it up at run time otherwise (for node applications). So if you are using some other package manage, you will need to do something similar. It looks like maybe the browserify-replace package might be able to do the job for you.

Sorry that this update has had this negative impact for you.

was able to properly work-around this :)

Just to chip in here, we have also run into this issue.

Unfortunately, for us, we are using mathjax-full as a dependency for our library so we are not bundling it directly. Consumers of our library may use a bundler, but it would be difficult for us to try and enforce this as part of a consumer build process.

I understand the need for PACKAGE_VERSION to be defined, and it's great that it happens as part of the build process, but equally it can be hardcoded in source and overwritten at runtime if required.

If we go down this route, we're going to have to have separate instructions for Rollup, Webpack, Browserify, and so on.... simply for reading the version number.

Suggestion to simply target Node.js environments by default, and fallback to a hardcoded string (can be generated at check-in/hooks if required?):

const PACKAGE_VERSION = "3.2.1";

export const VERSION = (
  typeof window === 'undefined' ?
    //  This will not be included in the webpack version, so only runs in node
    (function () {
      //  Look up the version from the package.json file
      /* tslint:disable-next-line:no-eval */
      const load = eval('require');
      /* tslint:disable-next-line:no-eval */
      const dirname = eval('__dirname');
      const path = load('path');
      return load(path.resolve(dirname, '..', '..', 'package.json')).version;
    })() :

I haven't had time to dive deep into this but I agree with @ryangr-texthelp
I maintain a library that depends on mathjax as well.
(@solomax funny seeing you here)

@ShaMan123 :)
We are using both both fabric.js and MathJax
It was fun to make fabric to draw beautiful formulas :)

It was fun to make fabric to draw beautiful formulas :)

Nice. I do it as well in a project.
BTW I see you use a whiteout functionality. Take a look at EraserBrush.


Could this issue be reopened please?

I fully agree with @ryangr-texthelp's message: the current approach to get a simple VERSION string is flawed and IMHO over-complicated. Now don't get me wrong, @dpvc had good reasons to do it like this I'm sure. But in the end many users spent way too much time trying to figure out the correct way to feed the PACKAGE_VERSION to the lib. I ended up overwriting the source code to hardcode it before bundling it.

I believe the issue is with projects building mathjax from source. For some reason I couldn't make the DefinePlugin approach work (I'm using webpack). As Ryan said, this won't work down the line for many users. Or even in 2 years when webpack gets replaced ;p

It would be great if this issue could be adressed in the next patch. :)


[Sorry about the slow response, here. I've been away for a week, and am trying to catch up now.]

Although we were trying to make things easier, we clearly made things harder for some use-cases like yours, and need to re-evaluate the situation. I've made a feature request in the MathJax issue tracker, and will address it in the next release. There may well be another point release soon to address this plus another issue that has affected the lazy-typesetting extension.

Hey @dpvc.

I'm glad to read that. Hopefully I can remove that ugly script of mine to hardcode the version soon :)

I also agree that a patch release is necessary. If this could be integrated, it would be great too!


Thanks for addressing this @dpvc :))

I've made a pull request that should resolve this issue. It creates the version.ts file using the package.json version number during the travis-ci publish script, so the version will just be a constant, as requested.

Great, thanks @dpvc !

Just have updated to the latest release 3.2.2
Works as expected without hacks :)
Thanks for the fix!

@solomax, thanks for the confirmation. Glad it works better for you.

Yes, can confirm here too 👍 Cheers!