I've built a simple platform where you can easily stake/deposit Ether.
The smart contract stores all the contract's information and if the staker has followed through according to the resolution clause(i.e. the partner says so) the staker gets his money back. Otherwise, the partner gets the money as a compensation.
It is built using:
- For the Ethereum smart contract: Solidity.
- For the UI: NodeJS & ReactJS
- For the tests: I've written a couple of tests with ChaiJS.
Disclaimer: this is just a small project for fun and learning purposes. More effort should be allocated to thinking about having a reputation system with an ERC-20 token etc...
Install all the node packages:
npm install
Launch Ganache, exposing the port 7545 normally.
Then migrate the smart contracts to the blockchain:
truffle migrate --reset
Launch the webserver(Hosted locally on port 3000):
npm run start
Finally, Connect your MetaMask to the ganache blockchain :)