mathiasbynens / ecma262-proposal-uniform-interchange-date-parsing

Proposal to standardize Date.parse behavior for interchange-like input

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Uniform parsing of quasi-standard Date.parse input

A proposal to standardize Date.parse behavior for input that is sufficiently similar to the ISO 8601-based ECMAScript Date Time String Format.


This proposal is at stage 0 of the TC39 Process.


None yet.


Date.parse specifies an initial attempt to parse input as an ECMAScript Date Time String, but all input that does not strictly conform is allowed to fall back to implementation-specific behavior—even if the input divergence was almost certainly unintentional. As a result, implementations differ in their treatment of such "not-quite right" input in ways that they should not. Behavior can be explored at , but here is a summary:

  • Chrome, Edge, and Safari accept signed years with the wrong digit count (e.g., "+2018-06-29" and "+0002018-06-29").
  • Chrome, Edge, and Safari accept unsigned years with more than four digits (e.g., "123456-10-12").
  • Chrome and Edge interpret out-of-bounds days up to 31 (e.g., "2018-02-30") as specifying a date in the following month.
  • Chrome accepts lowercase time designators and/or time zone offsets (e.g., "2018-06-29t15:00z").
  • Edge accepts nonzero minutes and/or seconds when the hour is 24 (e.g., "2018-06-28T24:01:01Z").
  • Safari accepts a seconds value of 60 (e.g., "2015-06-30T23:59:60Z"), iterpreted as end-of-minute.
  • Chrome and Edge accept "Z" offsets in the absense of a time component. Edge further accepts other letters (e.g., "2018-06-29E"), interpreted as military time zones.
  • Edge accepts hh:mm time zone offsets in the absense of a time component (e.g., "2018-06-29-04:00").
  • Edge accepts hours-only time zone offsets, but only with a fully-specified date component (e.g., "2018-06-29T11:00-04").
  • Edge and Safari accept out-of-bounds time zone offsets (e.g., "2018-06-28T15:00-24:00").
  • Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari accept too few or too many fractional second digits (e.g., "2018-06-29T11:00:12.3456").

Proposed Solution

Define a format that encompasses both the Date Time String Format and small variations therefrom—especially those that are valid ISO 8601 date and time representations—and standardize Date.parse treatment of input conforming to it.


Date Time String Format defines a "string interchange format for date-times" that is based on ISO 8601 extended format calendar date and time representations. It is in fact a subset thereof, with the exception of allowing "24" for hour (which ISO 8601 permits only within time intervals). Date.prototype.toISOString returns strings conforming to it, and Date.parse is required to accept conforming strings and correctly interpret them as ISO 8601. I believe the format is exactly described by the following regular expression (ignoring whitespace, which is only provided with the hope of improving readability):

  (?<year> [0-9]{4} | [+-][0-9]{6} )
    -(?<month> 0[1-9] | 1[0-2] )
      -(?<day> 0[1-9] | [12][0-9] | 3[01] )
    T(?<hour> [01][0-9] | 2[0-4] ):(?<minute> [0-5][0-9] )
      :(?<second> [0-5][0-9] )
      (?<fraction> \.[0-9]{3} )?
    (?<offset> Z | [+-] ( [01][0-9] | 2[0-4] ):( [0-5][0-9] ) )?

Every current implementation I could find correctly interprets input matching a superset of this format as would be expected, but there is not uniform interpretation of edge cases that conform to even a strict reading of it (e.g., "2018-02-30" and "2018-06-28T24:01:01Z" and "2018-06-28T15:00-24:00").


Specify the behavior of Date.parse not just for input conforming to the interchange format, but to a superset of it that encompasses both more of ISO 8601 and also invalid neighbors of valid input that may fail e.g. bounds checks or decimal localization or uppercase rules:

  (?<yearish> [0-9]{4} | [+-][0-9]{4,} )
    -(?<monthish> [0-9]{2} )
      -(?<dayish> [0-9]{2} )
    T(?<hourish> [0-9]{2} ):(?<minuteish> [0-9]{2} )
      :(?<secondish> [0-9]{2} )
      (?<fraction> [.,][0-9]+ )?
  (?<offsetish> Z | [+-] [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2} )?

Implementation-specific parsing will only be allowed for input that is clearly not intended as or based upon the standard interchange format. Ordered into sequential suggestions (expecting the later ones to be increasingly controversial and noting that this proposal can survive a cutoff point partway or all of the way through any chunk):

  1. Use correct vocabulary for sign-prefixed years ("expanded", not "extended") and be specific about basing the ECMAScript format upon ISO 8601 calendar date formats (in contrast with YYYY-DDD ordinal date and YYYY-Www-D week date formats). Reject input that does not match the intersection of ISO 8601 and the currently-documented ECMAScript Date Time String Format.

    • If yearish is sign-prefixed but has a digit count other than six, return NaN.
    • If monthish is present but not 01 through 12, return NaN.
    • If dayish is present but equals 00 or exceeds the number of days in the given month and year, return NaN.
    • If hourish exceeds 23, return NaN (breaking current acceptance of "…T24:00:00", but see below).
    • If minuteish exceeds 59, return NaN.
    • If secondish exceeds 59, return NaN.
    • If fraction contains a comma, return NaN.
    • If fraction is present but does not have exactly three digits, return NaN.
    • If offsetish is present without a time component, return NaN.
    • If offsetish hour exceeds 23 or minute exceeds 59, return NaN.
    • If the input contains a lowercase letter, return NaN.
  2. Add allowances for reasonable and/or backwards-compatible input acceptance.

    • If hourish is 24 and minuteish is 00 and secondish is 00, allow interpretation as an "end of day" midnight (restoring acceptance of "…T24:00:00") and update the text to indicate that such input is technically invalid ISO 8601.
    • If fraction is present and has fewer than three digits, act as if the missing rightmost digits were 0.
    • If fraction has more than three digits, allow implementations to accept it but do not specify the effect of excess digits.
    • If yearish is sign-prefixed and has at least four digits but no more than six after stripping leading zeroes, act as if it had exactly six digits.
    • Interpret lowercase letters as uppercase
      • ISO 8601-1 §3.4.1: "In date and time representations lower case characters may be used when upper case characters are not available."
  3. Loosen the similarity requirement to require rejection of more input, including more input that is valid ISO 8601 calendar date/date-time but does not match the ECMAScript Date Time String Format.

    • Allow both flavors of yearish to have four or more digits (e.g., (?<yearish> [0-9]{4,} | [+-][0-9]{4,} )) and return NaN if yearish has more than four but is not sign-prefixed.
    • Allow a space or tab character in place of time designator "T" (e.g., [T\x20\t], and return NaN in such cases.
    • Allow fraction to match a decimal sign (dot or comma) with no digits (e.g., (?<fraction> [.,][0-9]* )), and return NaN if it does so.
    • Allow fraction to match a partial minute or partial hour (e.g., T(?<hourish> [0-9]{2} )((?<hourFraction> [.,][0-9]+ )? | :(?<minuteish> [0-9]{2} )(:(?<secondish> [0-9]{2} ))?(?<fraction> [.,][0-9]+ )?)), and return NaN if it does so.
    • Allow offsetish without a minutes component (e.g., (?<offsetish> Z | [+-][0-9]{2}(:[0-9]{2})? )), and return NaN in such cases.
  4. Accept more input that is invalid ECMAScript Date Time String Format but is potentially valid ISO 8601.

    • If yearish is sign-prefixed and has more than six digits but specifies an in-range year, act as if it had exactly six digits.
    • If the time designator is a space or tab, act as if it were a "T".
      • ISO 8601-1 §4.3.2: "By mutual agreement of the partners in information interchange, the character [T] may be omitted in applications where there is no risk of confusing a date and time of day representation with others defined in this International Standard."
    • If offsetish has no minutes component, act as if the minutes component were 00.
      • ISO 8601-1 § "When it is required to indicate the difference between local time and UTC of day, the representation of the difference can be expressed in hours and minutes, or hours only."
    • If fraction contains a comma, act as if it were a dot.
      • ISO 8601-1 § "the decimal fraction shall be divided from the integer part by the decimal sign specified in ISO 31-0, i.e. the comma [,] or full stop [.]."

Other potential extensions

  • Accept unsigned long years.
  • Accept fractional minutes or hours.
  • Specify uniform treatment for non-"Z" character time zone offsets.


Backwards Compatibility

This is by design an area of wide variance between implementations, but none of the proposed changes would require any input that is currently accepted by all of them to start being rejected.


Proposal to standardize Date.parse behavior for interchange-like input

License:MIT License