mathiasbynens / Array.from

A robust & optimized ES3-compatible polyfill for the `Array.from` method in ECMAScript 6.

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Syntax error when run through karma-webpack

MadLittleMods opened this issue · comments

The latest code in master, mathiasbynens/Array.from#dc211b013ffe2e0877e4e4ea05cd652e8b7e4943 fails to run in Karma driving PhantomJS or Chrome (scripts processed through karma-webpack).

The latest release array.from@1.0.3 (doesn't rely on works just fine.

Here is a barebones project that demonstrates the issue,

npm run karma

> system-global-phantomjs-test@1.0.0 karma C:\Users\MLM\Libraries\Code\javascript\system-global-phantomjs-test
> karma start karma.config.js --single-run

(node:16968) DeprecationWarning: loaderUtils.parseQuery() received a non-string value which can be problematic, see
parseQuery() will be replaced with getOptions() in the next major version of loader-utils.
21 02 2017 01:20:56.576:INFO [karma]: Karma v1.5.0 server started at
21 02 2017 01:20:56.578:INFO [launcher]: Launching browser PhantomJS with unlimited concurrency
21 02 2017 01:20:56.624:INFO [launcher]: Starting browser PhantomJS
21 02 2017 01:20:59.527:INFO [PhantomJS 2.1.1 (Windows 8 0.0.0)]: Connected on socket A_2Jk42DEvtvVrOYAAAA with id 14696421
PhantomJS 2.1.1 (Windows 8 0.0.0) ERROR
  SyntaxError: Unexpected token '.'
  at webpack:///~/array.from/~/ <- src/entry2.js:9629

The sourcemap line numbers appear to be a bit off and looking at node_modules\\shim.js (22 lines total) doesn't show anything out of the ordinary.

This doesn't appear to be just a issue on it's own because using directly (see entry1.js in the project), doesn't throw the error.

entry2.js fails in Karma PhantomJS/Chrome. note: does work just fine in node v6.7.0, node src/entry2.js

There's definitely not a syntax error in the module.

It might be because Webpack shims System - it would be really helpful if you could supply the webpack build output for src/entry2.js - specifically, what's on line 9629?

@ljharb entry2.karma-webpack-build.js

entry2.karma-webpack-build.js:9629 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token .

entry2.karma-webpack-build.js annotated snippet

module.exports = function shimSystemAndGlobal() {
	var polyfill = getPolyfill();
		{ System: {} },
		{ System: function () { return "object" !== 'object'; } }
	if ({}.global !== polyfill) {
		if (define.supportsDescriptors) {
			Object.defineProperty({}, 'global', {
				configurable: true,
				enumerable: false,
				value: polyfill,
				writable: false
		} else {
------->		{}.global = polyfill;
	return polyfill;

That is definitely a syntax error, but as you can see here that's not what's in the code.

It looks like webpack has a bug and is replacing System with an empty object literal. I'd file this with them - that line should absolutely be = polyfill;

Thanks @ljharb, I'll look for/create an issue on the webpack repo(will link it).

For reference, this is what that area of code looks like in entry1.js when we use directly and works fine


module.exports = function shimGlobal() {
	var polyfill = getPolyfill();
	if (define.supportsDescriptors) {
		var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(polyfill, 'global');
		if (!descriptor || (descriptor.configurable && (descriptor.enumerable || descriptor.writable || global !== polyfill))) {
			Object.defineProperty(polyfill, 'global', {
				configurable: true,
				enumerable: false,
				value: polyfill,
				writable: false
	} else if (typeof global !== 'object' || global !== polyfill) { = polyfill;
	return polyfill;

There's one thing to note - the code when you use it directly is different than the original code. In other words, it's a different version of the package.

Specifically, the older version is what webpack is tripping up on; the newer version seems to work. If you downgrade your standalone test's version i suspect you'll see the same error.

@ljharb Great spot 🎯 causing the same issues in entry1.js as you suspected.

So we need to bump in array.from 👍

Seems like the webpack bug is still valid unless they have some docs around System

Definitely still a webpack bug, and worth fixing.

Fixed by removing the dependency entirely.

Please do file and link the webpack bug; it's pretty important that that get fixed ASAP.

Webpack bug created webpack/webpack#4329

cc @ljharb