Mathias-Boulay / master_gacha_reroller

A simple app which aims to streamline the rerolling process of a GACHA by deleting only account related files

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Axari is a lightweight app aiming at easing the life of players of games with gacha mechanics by allowing them do perform fast rerolls instead of a standard reroll.
Fast reroll is rerolling without having to uninstall and redownload all game files.

If your game of choice isn't there, don't panic ! It is faster to add support here than doing standard reroll anyway 😅

Adding support for a new game

Adding support for an app is fairly simple, the framework take care of many things for you 👍
1. You first need to add a default app name in the string.xml file:

<string name="">Exemple name<string/>

2. Then you need to subclass the abstract BaseRerollableApp like so:

public class DocumentationApp extends BaseRerollableApp {  
	public DocumentationApp(Context ctx) {  
		super(ctx, "", R.string.com_package_name);  

	public boolean reroll(){
		return false; //Whether the reroll succeded or not.  

You need to implement at least the reroll() method. Most of the time, you just need to know which files/folders to delete.
Note: reroll() is run in a separate thread. Do NOT perform any method affecting the UI !

3. Finally, you need to add a line in the

rerollableAppList.add(new DocumentationApp(ctx));

That's it !

Methods index

Custom reroll behavior

If you need full control on differents steps of the reroll process, additionnal functions are available to @Override.

Reroll related functions
public void onPreReroll()

Called before reroll() on the UI Thread Use it to prepare the reroll or fix pottential issues that could occur during the reroll if not taken care of. The default behavior kills the app about to be rerolled.

public boolean reroll()

The reroll method itself, running on a separate Thread from the UI Thread. You have to implement the reroll custom logic here.

@return: Whether or not the reroll succeeded.

public boolean onPostReroll(boolean success)

Called after reroll() on the UI Thread. @success: Whether or not reroll() succeeded

public void onRerollSuccess()

Called if the the reroll succeeded, on the UI Thread.

public void onRerollFail()

Called if the reroll failed, on the UI Thread

Convenicence logic functions

To help you provide custom reroll logic faster, convenience functions are provided from BaseRerollableApp and Commands

BaseRerollableApp functions
final public String getPrivateDataDir(int flag = 0)

@return: The app private data directory (Traditionally /data/data/

Since by default you get the root of an app directory, you are provided several flags to access the ususal directories inside it:


final public String getPublicDataDir(int flag = 0)

@return: The app public data dir (Traditionally /sdcard/Android/

final public String getAppName()

@return: The app name, either the default one or the official one if the app is available.

final public String getAppPackageName()

@return: The app package name.

The final class provides pre-formatted UNIX functions for ease of use.

Command utility functions
final public static boolean removeFile(String filePath)

Force remove the file at the provided path @return: Whether the command succeeded

final public static boolean removeFolder(String folderPath)

Force remove the folder at the provided path, regardless of its content. @return: Whether the command succeeded

final public static boolean execute(String command)

Execute the given UNIX command as a Super-User. @return: Whether the command succeeded


A simple app which aims to streamline the rerolling process of a GACHA by deleting only account related files

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Java 100.0%