mathematicalmichael / slumlords

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The Form

mathematicalmichael opened this issue · comments

  • Choose static form provider (high priority)

  • Link email to python script that dumps content into "database" (low priority)

  • Finalize what the form will ask for, and what is s mandatory field

Proposal for Form

(check = "definitely")

  • Name (add note about our publishing names policy)

    • Mandatory
  • Company

    • Mandatory
  • Building

    • Mandatory
  • Issues List (i.e. possible tags so that we don't have to choose them ourselves)

    • Mandatory
  • Duration (Time of Occupancy?) ... how long have you lived there?

    • Mandatory
  • Summarize issue in one sentence/phrase (i.e. proposal title, less creativity on our parts if we don't have to start from nothing)

    • Mandatory
  • Explain your issue (content for the post)

    • Mandatory
  • Photographs (I have no idea how to do that part... can we make it an email attachment?)

    • size limits? upload to imgur and give us the link? maximum number of images?
    • Mandatory
  • Any other category-specific information once #2 is decided upon.

    • Mandatory
  • Contact Information

    • email? phone number? both but optional number? ... need some way to follow-up and validate
    • Mandatory