mathematicalmichael / slumlords

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Category and Tag Formatting

mathematicalmichael opened this issue · comments

Example tags (which I think make sense)

tags = [

Currently, categories can easily hold both company names and neighborhoods. If you click on the category, it shows all posts linked to that.

Assess what the benefit of having a company name and neighborhood attribute are. What types of things would it allow for that we don't have now?

If we use them, it frees up the category section for something else. What is that something? Company/Neighborhood are single-attribute properties. I think every post should have at least one category, and no more than three.
Potential answers:

  • The building name/address itself (if provided, not sure that tenants of multi-unit homes would be okay with that).
  • type of home (single-unit, multi-unit, cookie-cutter, modern, brick, num bedrooms) ... but this could be a tag
  • rent-tier (probably better as a tag).

NOTE: use all lowercase for tags/categories/etc in front-matter of posts, stylize/perform formatting in Go using pipes to process the data:

{{ $name | title }} where title is a built-in type. as is lowercase...

{{ $term | humanize | title }}

I did this for the category pages and listing of relevant pages. humanize takes away dashes in data, allowing for the use of spaces.