mathematicalmichael / slumlords

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

To-do list

mathematicalmichael opened this issue · comments

  • Create github milestones for initial release

  • link namecheap domain to github, set up website (make live).

  • strip site/theme of extraneous references, demo content, images, etc

    • replace images

    • get some "pages" up to replace demo ones.

  • Denver Slumlords branding throughout site

  • Decide on font choice

  • Set up Disqus

    • account creation (DenverSlumlords)

    • code into the website

  • bing verification (?)

  • Google verification in config.toml and Analytics.

  • Set up email (

  • Set up instagram

  • Create plan for announcement

    • reddit? hackernews? journalists on twitter, etc

    • timeline

  • formspring or something similar for submission email

    • if user refreshes, does content get purged?
  • set up contribution pipeline (maybe push a development version of the website somewhere using Travis?) new posts as issues for editing (that way we can edit/format contributing posts through github interface, do so on-the-go). maybe PRs?

  • social sharing icons (decide on subset chosen in config.toml

  • fix WARNings in hugo==0.55 ... seems easy to do based on the messages printed out. All deprecation warnings.

    • do we ...
      • just edit theme directly (as I've done to suppress copyright), or
      • place edited copies of files in directories that are prioritized?
  • author names? (anonymous? first?)

  • FIGURE OUT COPYRIGHT. This is confusing... the theme has references to copyright = "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License." in theconfig.toml file, but the repo itself is under MIT. This makes me think that the statement is simply a default copyright notice included in the example website. AKA we should replace this line with our own.

  • what is gittalk? (see very bottom of config.toml

  • look over/verify current sitemap and blackfriday settings in config.toml .. and paginate.

  • change authorship formatting

  • post metadata (get rid of reading time, re-format date)

  • format of categories list pages (partials/list.html)

  • test some tags and categories