mateuszmackowiak / NativeDialogs

Adobe Air Native Extension for mobile native dialogs (IOS,Andoid) - Toast, Text Input dialog, Progress dialog, Alert dialog, multi single choice dialog + DatePicker dialog

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NativeListDialog in IOS7

eitho opened this issue · comments

in ios7 doesn't show data (dataProvider).

var m:NativeListDialog = new NativeListDialog();
*m.title = "Title";
m.message = "Message";
m.buttons = Vector.<String>(["Cancel", "OK"]);
m.dataProvider = Vector.<Object>(["1","2","3","4"]);
m.displayMode = NativeListDialog.DISPLAY_MODE_SINGLE;;

Maybe I do something wrong?

Same here (iOS7 Beta2/iPhone5)

I third that, doesn't work on iOS7 officially released either. (iPhone 4 and 5) :\

May i ask if you intend to update it? TIA

Noticed the same thing, also the progress bar had some issues appear to have fixed the ios7 issues for the NativeListDialog.

hopefully the ANE gets updated shortly...I will donate to the project :)

mindbrix's update doesn't seem to have worked for me, @jurito did you ever get it to work?


I will fix it on the weekend.

goods news :)

brilliant :) cheers


Didn't find time for this. But promise to sit down during the week.

Any chance you'll be able to investigate and fix it till EOW?
I really need these dialogs to work on iOS7 and don't know if I should start to create the same ones in AS3/Flex instead.


I have pushed a commit that is fixing the errors in IOS7. But the problem is that Apple has removed tha ability to add subiews to alert dialgos. So I plan to change it. For now the progress and list dialgos use . For the progress dialog use themes.

Thanks for your fix!
Unfortunatelly, if there are more than ~5 items in the list to be visible it still looks bad.

Mateusz good work and thanks!

sometimes i have problem (screenshot). can you fix it please?

Yes, that's what I meant.


Problem solved on the last commit.

Mateusz thank you very match. Can you help me. How can I disable orientation on NativeListDialog?