mateoconlechuga / cesium

A GUI shell for the TI-84+CE

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Increase user friendliness of password system?

Potato-Man1234 opened this issue · comments

Some changes that I feel like that can improve the quality of life for imputing a password in Cesium
1.) The [Del] key erases the last imputed character
2.) The [Clear] key resets the password prompt back to blank
3.) The [On] key turns the calculator back off (like when you put the calculator in password mode when plugged in, it would be an easy off)
4.) Instead of an automatic unlock or off use the [2nd]/[Enter] key to submit password
5.) Allow longer passwords, maybe 30 Characters?
6.) Bug fix, the password system only clears home if you get the password right, if you fail it, it briefly shows the home screen for a split second before turning off.

W, but 30 char is crazy.