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WebRTC: ICE failed, add a TURN server and see about:webrtc for more details

dukizwe opened this issue · comments

No matter what I do, I keep encountering the error message WebRTC: ICE failed, add a TURN server and see about for more details even after adding a TURN server:

Here is how I have configured the TURN server:

const options: Partial<ArticoOptions> = { 
          debug: 4,
          rtcConfig: { 
                    iceServers: [{ urls: 'stun:[]' }] 

I have also reviewed the example project, but I couldn't find any specific TURN server configuration there, yet it still works. How did you manage to get it working?

Hey @dukizwe! Can you provide a reproduction example?
Do you have a github repo with the app you're testing with or something?

@matallui any feedback ??

@dukizwe Do your network conditions allow for NAT traversal? Not all networks will allow this (e.g., corporate networks usually don't), meaning a peer located outside a corporate network wouldn't be able to call someone inside that network (not without a TURN server, which you don't have configured).

I deployed your app and was able to call from my phone (Verizon network) to my laptop on the home Wi-Fi. So... I can only assume that your network conditions don't allow NAT traversal and, therefore, you'd have to use a TURN server.