masterfeizz / ioQuake3DS

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Loads to black screen only

CrispyButtPhD opened this issue · comments

I followed your installation instructions exactly. I briefly see the quake spash screen, then it goes black and the yellow loading button remains lit. The bottom screen shows the correct interface. All buttons become unresponsive, I have to hold down the power button to turn off my n3ds. Same goes for open arena.
I then uninstalled the cia. And tried to run it via the homebrew launcher . (Halo revamped worked when I launched it via homebrew launcher). I get a red and garbled screen, it doesn't launch. Same goes for open arena. Are we supposed to put any quake base q folder files into the directory? I didn't do that because your instructions didn't mention it at all.