mast-eu / GitExtensions.SVN

SVN plugin for Git Extensions

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Git Extensions extremely slow to startup under certain conditions

MattLichter opened this issue · comments

I am working in a repository that is seven years old. Most of those years the primary remote was an SVN server, most users were using SVN, and I was using git-svn to manage local work/branches. Eventually the team migrated off of SVN to git, and we used my git-svn history to seed a new git remote. The old SVN server was decommissioned.

Fast forward a few years. I found this plugin and installed it, since I still occasionally work with SVN teams. I noticed with the plugin that GE is a bit slower to launch (fraction of a second for most git repositories). But for the repository in the last paragraph, it takes minutes for the main panel of GE to load. When I uninstall the plugin, the problem goes away and loading times are rapid again.

I'm guessing that the plugin parses the commit message history when GE launches, maybe looking for git-svn-id strings of the form
git-svn-id: svn:// 51b24a89-3547-4e4a-8ce8-0154b3ca13c2
Perhaps the slow startup is due to the number of commits, or the fact that the old SVN server no longer exists?

I also see my antivirus program working a bit harder. Perhaps it's suspicious of all the failed network traffic or something. I can't tell if the slowdown is directly due to the plugin, or indirectly in that the plugin stimulates the AV program.

For now I can live without the plugin since I can just use the command line. But I wanted to let you know, in case the cause or solution is obvious.

Thanks for making this plugin! There are still a few of us using the git-svn workflow (thankfully only sometimes). :)