masroore / CurlSharp

CurlSharp - .Net binding and object-oriented wrapper for libcurl.

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I Know is already asked, but, cant compile demos. System.DllNotFoundException

benrivero opened this issue · comments

I read another Issues and try the solutions...

Before all... Am using Windows 10 x64 operating System.

I am trying to run WinSamples, I already target to x86 and Debug my solution. When I start the project the Form appears and when I click on "Get Source" Button I receive the next error:

System.DllNotFoundException: 'Can't load the file DLL 'libcurl': Can't find specified module. (Exception of HRESULT: 0x8007007E)'

So copy the DLL from the folder libs/i386/libcurl.dll and paste inside WinSamples/bin/Debug and start the program again. But I get the same error.

I try including the dll on the project.... copy all the others dll files from i386

What else can I do? What I am doing wrong? Thanks in advance

I found it, the compilation output bin is on the route:


If you are target a x86 solution copy all the dll's on that folder, not only libcurl.dll

Very nice work @masroore !!! Greetings