masroore / CurlSharp

CurlSharp - .Net binding and object-oriented wrapper for libcurl.

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easy auth

marrrschine opened this issue · comments


I want to wrap my native curl call

curl.exe -i -Uuser:token -O "http://path/to/"

using CurlSharp.

First question:
Do I have to set user and token by

easy.UserAgent = "user";
easy.UserPwd = "token";

in CurlSharp?

Second question:
Can you give an example on how to modify OnWriteData to handle my zip file.

Thanks a lot!

@marrrschine: Easiest way to provide authentication data is via the UserPwd property:
easy.UserPwd = "user:password";

You can save the downloaded buffer into a stream (file or memory). Once the entire file is downloaded, you may manipulate the zip archive. Pseudo-code:

    public static Int32 OnWriteData(Byte[] buf, Int32 size, Int32 nmemb, Object extraData)
        var nBytes = size*nmemb;
        _stream.Write(buf, nBytes);
        return nBytes;