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put_objectのchunk sizeでアップロード

masakyst opened this issue · comments

chunk sizeでアップロードする仕組み

Furl::HTTPの実装上、chunk PUT/POSTはしないようだ

Why doesn't Furl support chunked upload?
There are reasons why chunked POST/PUTs should not be used in general.

First, you cannot send chunked requests unless the peer server at the other end of the established TCP connection is known to be a HTTP/1.1 server.

Second, HTTP/1.1 servers disconnect their persistent connection quite quickly (compared to the time they wait for the first request), so it is not a good idea to post non-idempotent requests (e.g. POST, PUT, etc.) as a succeeding request over persistent connections.

These facts together makes using chunked requests virtually impossible (unless you know that the server supports HTTP/1.1), and this is why we decided that supporting the feature is NOT of high priority.