masakhane-io / masakhane-mt

Machine Translation for Africa

Repository from Github https://github.commasakhane-io/masakhane-mtRepository from Github https://github.commasakhane-io/masakhane-mt

corpus_bleu() got an unexpected keyword argument 'sys_stream'

James-Havinga99 opened this issue · comments

Got this error when trying to run a English to Afrikaans training on google colab. I used the exact copy of the colab provided in the readme, just changing the target language to Afrikaans. The model starts training but before it finished one epoch I get the error. I did some searching online but wasn't able to find anything about this error. This is a screenshot of the full error I am getting:

I got exactly the same error.

See discussion here:


Thank you @bricksdont, that got things going up until it hit this error, #166 (comment)

This is also a known issue: joeynmt/joeynmt#155 (comment)

but at the moment not fixed yet. Temporary fix: Instead of cloning this repo:

! git clone

clone the one that has the fix already:

! git clone