marynate / FluidSurface

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

how to migrate to ue4.22?

KnIfER opened this issue · comments

Using landscape module as a reference I have gotten the source compiled.
But I cannot google a clue to fix the following shader errror:

Shader compiler errors compiling WorldGridMaterial for platform PCD3D_SM5:
D:/Code/FigureOut/simplest_srcmdl2/Shaders/Private/FluidSurfaceVertexFactory.ush(227,21-29): Shader FVelocityPS, Permutation 0, VF FFluidSurfaceVertexFactory:
 error X3004: undeclared identifier 'Primitive'

The context is :

half3x3 CalcTangentToWorldNoScale(in half3x3 TangentToLocal)
	half3x3 LocalToWorld = GetLocalToWorld3x3();
	half3 InvScale =;   //    <----
	LocalToWorld[0] *= InvScale.x;
	LocalToWorld[1] *= InvScale.y;
	LocalToWorld[2] *= InvScale.z;
	return mul(TangentToLocal, LocalToWorld); 

Even if I replace all 'Primitive' with GetPrimitiveData(Parameters.PrimitiveId) the compiler will still prompt me for the same error.

Primitive.InvNonUniformScale is renamed to Primitive.InvNonUniformScaleAndDeterminantSign

now I get this error:
Screenshot (15)


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