marviq / coffee-jshint

Runs your CoffeeScript source through JSHint to check for errors.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

0.1.0 in npm does not contain the compiled js files

Christopher-Bradshaw opened this issue · comments

tar zxvf coffee-jshint-0.0.14.tgz
x package/package.json
x package/.npmignore
x package/
x package/cli.js
x package/Makefile
x package/lib/
x package/lib/
x package/lib-js/cli.js
x package/lib-js/hint.js


tar zxvf coffee-jshint-0.1.0.tgz
x package/package.json
x package/.npmignore
x package/
x package/Makefile
x package/lib/
x package/lib/

Which results in
Error: ENOENT, chmod '/Users/christopher/nvm/v0.10.21/lib/node_modules/coffee-jshint/cli.js'
while installing

republished with compiled js as 0.1.1