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feature request: be more verbose about connection problems

pkoevesdi opened this issue · comments

Since I have problems connecting to my nextcloud and an Apache WebDAV server, I'm a little bit left stranded with nothing more than the message "couldn't synchnonize, please try again later".
I suggest to give more specific information on first sight (wrong url? wrong protocol?) and more information on demand (error code, error message to google for, error message to look up in the issues here,...), i.e. by clicking something to open a more verbose message or by getting pointed to a log file.
In case, there is already some log, then consider this issue a lack in the documentation. ;-)

You are right, the error message is very generic and there is no log implemented. The log is not used on purpose, to avoid leaking of sensitive information.

It is a balancing act between showing too much details of an exception, which are usually not understood by users and can contain sensitive information, and showing a too generic message. Maybe I should invest more time in generating specific localized error messages. I will keep this open, thank you for the suggestion!

I understand the concerns about a log.
Anyway a little bit more differentiation in the message would be nice, must not be too complicated, in my case a simple point into some direction to look for would already be nice.
Like, make me recognizable:

  • could the server be connected
  • could the folder be found
  • was the ssl connection successful
  • are the credentials accepted (this is already there as I saw now, wrong credentials give me a different message)

This also could help unexperienced users to post a problem in a forum or google for it.
Thank You!