martinstoeckli / SilentNotes

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feature request: web browser read or read/write access to notes

pkoevesdi opened this issue · comments

I'm switching away from google keep, and what I'm missing here is a web read/write access to my notes. Since they are encrypted, I assume this would need some sort of browser plugins.
This feature would work out of the box at viewing notes, if #172 was fulfilled.

I understand this request, but development of a browser plugin wouldn't allow to reuse the existing code base, it would mean to develop completely parallel code, which is a bit out of scope at the moment. Any other web implementation (server based) cannot guarantee security, it would become a matter of trust and I want to avoid that.

The missing iOS and Unix versions have more priority, not least because they can share the same code base.

Ok, I understand. As mentioned in #172, maybe the Unix client could be reused as a server component for the people who own a server. I could even imagine to be able to make a interface to .md or even a web frontend, if I get provided with a good library or command line interface to the encrypt/decrypt client. Maybe that could be taken into the development of the unix client?

Concerning security: I think, an app must be secure by design and by default. But it's not the obligation of a developer to lock out administrators to do something, if they know what they do. On the other hand: it's not the developers fault, if they do something insecure.

So, if someone wants to decrypt the notes on his server, it's not Your obligation to stop him from doing so. I'd appreciate the possibility to do so. Of couse, only if he has the encryption key, which must be actively, manually provided by me.

When I wrote about the unsafe web implementation I meant a public website (many note apps have a website owned by the developer). Such a website cannot guarantee E2E encryption, a self hosted solution can solve the problem though.

Of course you are right about not being responsible, but still, there a lot of users who blame the developer for things (s)he is not responsible for. I understand this, because it is really difficult to see the complexity and the dependencies (to the OS) if you are not a developer yourself.

That said, the project contains all the code which is independend of the OS and can also be compiled for Linux, it't just the GUI which I didn't get to run so far "SilentNotes.Android" and "SilentNotes.UWP".

Ok, thanks. I'll try to find the time and look into it.