Defensive copies for non-readonly struct queries
Tornhoof opened this issue · comments
At the moment the generator adds the in parameter modifier for read-only structs, it does not add it for non-readonly structs.
But the method signature of the wrapper always containts the in modifier.
This means, that for non-readonly structs a defensive copy is always made, which is wrong from the code-correctness perspective and for performance.
See: for more details
Good catch! If I understand this issue correct, defensive copies are made during use (access properties etc), while by removing the in parameter a copy is also made. Can we avoid these issues by using ref
instead of in
on the wrapper? I think I should make some benchmarks for this to see exactly what the behavior is here. I tried to see the codegen difference for this in sharplab a while ago but was unable to produce the difference. I might be misunderstanding something here..
Yes you can use ref, but it should not be necessary.
The jit is smart enough by now, see
The asm for both methods, with and without in, is the same for a read-only struct. Even if the struct is only defacto read-only, by making all fields and methods read-only it's smart enough.
That's why I said in the PR that we can let the jit decide.