martinlindhe / eqbc-go

EQ Box Chat - re-implementation of eqbcs2.exe

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EQBC Stops Responding when AFK

XxNeroMortexX opened this issue · comments


I get this alot and in-game /bc commands does not work i have to close EQBC Server then go to each screen and try /bccmd reconnect and if that not work Reload EQ Client, is there a way you can add a Keep-Alive to the Main loop i seem to notice this alot when i go AFK I have to AFK alot sometimes 15-30 mins other times an Hour or More and i come back and its all not working. If you need me to Provide more Info like Logs and such let me know how and i will do that there is alot of us on PEQ-TGC having the same Problem i Play 54 Toons if that also matters and a Factor.

P.S. Thanks again so much for Supporting & Writing EQBC-Go i Love it.

Interesting. Does this happen when your computer goes to sleep? I also box 54 with this on PEQ and have not seen this issue.

No I have that darn sleep and hibernate disabled on my system there both so pointless I think lol. I haven’t timed it but it seems like if I don’t send a something to bc in x amount of time it does this.

I wonder if it’s some sorta setting on PC I checked network card Power Management have that is unchecked. Also check power option setting all power saving in there is off all set to max performance. Not sure what else to check

No I have that darn sleep and hibernate disabled on my system there both so pointless I think lol. I haven’t timed it but it seems like if I don’t send a something to bc in x amount of time it does this.

I wonder if it’s some sorta setting on PC I checked network card Power Management have that is unchecked. Also check power option setting all power saving in there is off all set to max performance. Not sure what else to check


I am not sure how to progress in resolving this, as I cannot reproduce issue locally. I think I have been online about 7 days straight without eqbc-go misbehaving like you describe.

If you figure something relevant, please share here.

Patches are of course welcome!

If you can’t get eqbc to do samething then it has to be windows setting of some sort. I’ll try toying around with stuff see what I come up with and post back