martinjuhasz / MJPopupViewController

A UIViewController Category to display a ViewController as a popup with different transition effects.

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get navigation controller from popup

lsantaniello opened this issue · comments


Hi all, I need to get popup parent navigation controller and push in other controller... example:

VC1 open VC2 as popup
VC1.navController presentPopup (VC2)

VC2 open VC3
VC1.navController presentPopup (VC2) //how I get VC1 (parent) navController?



hey i also dont get navigation from this popup,
i had set a button on this popup and i want to open a new page when button click....please ans me.....

in the view's header have:
@Property (weak, nonatomic) UINavigationController *parentNavController;

and when calling the popup:
popedUpViewController.parentNavController = self.navigationcontroller;

now you should have access to the parent's navigation controller.