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arrays in Symfony Forms

tacman opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to implement a data transformer to save integer[] values in a postgres database using the bundle.

// some entity with tags
 * @ORM\Column(type="integer[]", nullable=true)
    protected $tagIds;

    public function getTagIds(): array
        return $this->tagIds ?: [];

    public function setTagIds($tagIds): self
        $this->tagIds = $tagIds;
        return $this;

I'd like to add these tags Id via a custom form type (for now, just a string of comma-delimited integers, for this issue report)

            ->add('tagIds', TagIdsType::class, [
                'required' => false,
                'help' => 'comma-delimited tag ids',

The TagIdsType, following the instructions from

class TagIdsType extends AbstractType
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
            ->add('tag_string', TextareaType::class, [
                'help' => 'comma-delimited tag ids',
        $builder->get('tag_string')->addModelTransformer(new TagIdsTransformer());

Finally, the TagIdsTransformer:

// TagIdsTransformer.php
namespace App\Form\DataTransformer;

use App\Entity\TaggableInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Form\DataTransformerInterface;

class TagIdsTransformer implements DataTransformerInterface

    public function transform($taggableEntity)
        /** @var TaggableInterface $taggableEntity */
        return $taggableEntity ? implode(',', $taggableEntity->getTagIds()): '';

    public function reverseTransform($tagsAsString)
        $tagsAsArray =  array_map(fn ($idAsString) => (int)$idAsString, explode(',', $tagsAsString));
        return $tagsAsArray;

When I fill out the form with a string of comma-delimited integers, it fails with the message

One or more of items given doesn't look like valid. {"tag_string":[3]} array

The transform and reverseTransform appear to be returning the right values, so I'm not sure where the error is. Obviously, I don't want tag_string, it's not part of the entity.

I'm posting here because if someone provides a solution, I can submit a PR to the documentation, as I imagine this can help others as well. Thanks.

Did you find a solution to your use-case? Can this issue be closed?

I didn't find a solution, but I'm likely to try again this week.

I didn't find a solution, but I'm likely to try again this week.

Did you find a solution to your use-case? Can this issue be closed?

@tacman , hi! Try to grep the validator component for the string "One or more of items given doesn't look like valid" because it seems that there is some validator that can not process the input data correctly. Have you assigned any constraints to your form?