martijnboers / phpSPO

This library provides a SharePoint REST client for PHP applications. This allows you to performs CRUD operations againts SharePoint resources via an REST/OData based API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This library provides a SharePoint REST client for PHP applications. This allows you to performs CRUD operations againts SharePoint Online resources via an REST/OData based API.


Build Status


PHP version

  • PHP 5.4 or later


  • PHP:cURL library is used to perform HTTP requests
  • ClientContext - represents a client context to to performs CRUD operations against SharePoint resources via SharePoint Online REST API
  • ClientRequest - represents a client request (more low level compared to ClientContext) to to performs CRUD operations against SharePoint resources via SharePoint Online REST API
  • AuthenticationContext - represents an object that provides credentials to access SharePoint Online resources.

There are two approaches available to perform REST queries:

  • via ClientRequest class where you need to construct REST queries by specifing endpoint url, headers if required and payload (low level approach), see renameFolder.php for a more details
  • via ClientContext class where you target client object resources such as Web, ListItem and etc., see list_examples.php for a more details


try {
	$authCtx = new AuthenticationContext($Settings['Url']);
	echo 'You have been authenticated successfully\n';
catch (Exception $e) {
	echo 'Authentication failed: ',  $e->getMessage(), "\n";


The following examples demonstrates how to perform basic CRUD operations againts SharePoint list item resources.

Example 1. How to read SharePoint list items

$authCtx = new AuthenticationContext($Url);
$authCtx->acquireTokenForUser($UserName,$Password); //authenticate

$ctx = new ClientContext($Url,$authCtx); //initialize REST client    
$web = $ctx->getWeb();
$list = $web->getLists()->getByTitle($listTitle); //init List resource
$items = $list->getItems();  //prepare a query to retrieve from the 
$ctx->load($items);  //save a query to retrieve list items from the server 
$ctx->executeQuery(); //submit query to SharePoint Online REST service
foreach( $items->getData() as $item ) {
    print "Task: '{$item->Title}'\r\n";

Example 2. How to create SharePoint list item:

$listTitle = 'Tasks';
$list = $ctx->getWeb()->getLists()->getByTitle($listTitle);
$itemProperties = array('Title' => 'Order Approval', 'Body' => 'Order approval task','__metadata' => array('type' => 'SP.Data.TasksListItem'));
$item = $list->addItem($itemProperties);
print "Task '{$item->Title}' has been created.\r\n";

Example 3. How to delete a SharePoint list item:

$listTitle = 'Tasks';
$itemToDeleteId = 1;
$list = $ctx->getWeb()->getLists()->getByTitle($listTitle);
$listItem = $list->getItemById($itemToDeleteId);

Example 4. How to update SharePoint list item:

$listTitle = 'Tasks';
$itemToUpdateId = 1;
$list = $ctx->getWeb()->getLists()->getByTitle($listTitle);
$listItem = $list->getItemById($itemId);
$itemProperties = array('PercentComplete' => 1, '__metadata' => array('type' => 'SP.Data.TasksListItem'));


1.0.0 - May 23st, 2014

  • Initial release.

2.0.0 - February 14, 2016

  • AuthenticationContext and ClientContext classes have been introduced.


This library provides a SharePoint REST client for PHP applications. This allows you to performs CRUD operations againts SharePoint resources via an REST/OData based API

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%