martanne / vis

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How can I read bash functions from by .bashrc by using :set shell

jgarte opened this issue · comments


How can I read bash functions from by .bashrc by using :set shell?

vis can't seem to find functions defined in my bashrc file.

It has no problem finding binaries installed by the nix package manager.

I'm using NixOS but I also tested this on void linux and I run into the same issue.

Any help with debugging this would be greatly appreciated.

bash only sources your .bashrc when it's an interactive shell. You may want to try setting bash -i as your vis shell to force an interactive shell.

bash only sources your .bashrc when it's an interactive shell. You may want to try setting bash -i as your vis shell to force an interactive shell.

@ninewise Thanks for the help.

This didn't work for me the last time I tried. Maybe I am still doing something wrong.

I ended up creating a bash script instead of using an alias and adding it to my PATH environment variable.

Since this seems like it was solved I will close it.