martanne / vis

A vi-like editor based on Plan 9's structural regular expressions

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:set backupcopy=yes in vis equivalent

jgarte opened this issue · comments

What is the equivalent of vim's :set backupcopy=yes?

I ask because hot-module reloading is not working in vis with the default settings but it does work in vim with :set backupcopy=yes

Any help is greatly appreciated.

I think I was able to figure it out by setting the following:

:set savemethod inplace

Would you say that this is equivalent to :set backupcopy=yes?

Hot-reloading seems to be working now with vis after setting :set savemethod inplace

Let me know if I should close this issue.

Would you say that this is equivalent to :set backupcopy=yes?

I believe it is, see text-io.c:386

Also related - #758

@twofinger Thanks for pointing that out! It is much appreciated

I'll close this now. If anyone has any other comments regarding this feel free to comment further in the closed issue.