martanne / vis

A vi-like editor based on Plan 9's structural regular expressions

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opened this issue · comments

I imagined the file, that looks to be the home page of vis, could have some logo on top, even if it is as simple as this:


Or something more in the style of,, or sxiv.

Or maybe as well a patchwork like your avatar.

Or none at all, I am just proposing. :)

I won't say no to a good looking logo. Unfortunately I probably have neither the time nor the talent to actively contribute to this. One idea would be to use something inspired by the vis logo, but I would first have to check the copyright/trademark status of it.


So yes, proposals welcome.

I am not sure to have the skills neither, but I can try... The one I took was very neutral: just a font. The one you proposed is more fancy and colorful, so let's free our creativity!

The copyright may not be that much an issue if we take inspiration, but if the logo is being different.

Maybe we can do something with a jet engine.

Here are propositions for a curve to use. It is possible to change:

  • the number of elements (here is 2 kinds of element times 6 for each, but it could be 3 elements times 2, or just 1 times 3...)
  • the spiral/straight balance (intensity of the curve, how much should it spin)
  • the thickness of each elements
  • how many and how thick the tips should be split (little bars effect at the exterior of each element)
    ... and what not!

image image image image image image image image image image

[EDIT]: Added numbers and added colored versions.

[EDIT]: Now that I think of it, this looks like an agressive lollipop!

For an editor that strives to be minimalistic, i find the proposed logo too complex. I think the simple textual logo or something similar is better.

@erf: I worked with big images, but this will be a logo, not a fulscreen thing. Now that I consider this, it looks rather complex indeed.

I will make a simpler version, with less elements and see if it is better.

Maybe even ASCII art could work.

Here is an image that looks a bit more like the proposition from @martanne and may be simpler:


But I still keep in mind simple typography.

Other editor logos:

Jaspa nanoemacs Jaspa nanoemacs jedit elvis

                   :::                         The                   
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   .LGitE888D.f8GjjjL8888E;        .d8888b.  888b    888 888     888 
   iE   :8888Et.     .G8888.      d88P  Y88b 8888b   888 888     888 
   ;i    E888,        ,8888,      888    888 88888b  888 888     888 
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         D888,        :8888:      Y88b  d88P 888   Y8888 Y88b. .d88P 
         888W,        :8888:       "Y8888P88 888    Y888  "Y88888P"  
         W88W,        :8888:                                         
         W88W:        :8888:      88888b.   8888b.  88888b.   .d88b. 
         DGGD:        :8888:      888 "88b     "88b 888 "88b d88""88b
                      :8888:      888  888 .d888888 888  888 888  888
                      :W888:      888  888 888  888 888  888 Y88..88P
                      :8888:      888  888 "Y888888 888  888  "Y88P" 

sublime text atom New emacs logo spacemacs
This one is not an editor logo, but another image of the Vis group @martanne talked about:


By combining a modified 11 and "VIS", composing it like the Vis group logo, we get something like this:

vis curve3

The font used permits to use it for a logo. It is inspired from the old NASA logo, which I feel to fit the galaxy shaped spiral.

No need to clutter the issue tracker, so closing this.

@josuah thanks for your effort, I will eventually come back to the Logo discussion. However, we should probably first decide if/when we want to rename the project (i.e. address #338).

Sorry for bumping a closed issue, but here is something I whipped together. The inspiration behind it is the multiple cursors. The coloring is just experimentation. The font is Fira Sans. Thank you for an promising editor! Hugs.

My suggestion for logo design. Like you said in style.


About name. I think vis should be renamed to vs. It will emphasize legacy-free conception and it faster to type. I having vs alias about 3 months and have no problems with it.

My proposal for a logo. I'm by no means a professional designer and this one definitely has it's flaws. Any feedback is appreciated.
The chain-like "S" should resemble somewhat the chain text editing way vis has.

Who's won?

From the looks of the conversation, this one seems to have won (IDK):
Anyways whichever one it was, I beleive the original intent of this issue was to have the logo on the README.