martanne / vis

A vi-like editor based on Plan 9's structural regular expressions

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on xterm with double-buffer, vis repaint background with not usual color after a quit

wcsxfrm opened this issue · comments


On xterm with double-buffer (-xrm '*buffered: true'), vis repaint background with not usual color after user quit (:q!)

  • problem exists on: v0.8, v0.7, v0.6 (BUT, it works on v0.5)
  • with double-buffer disabled (xterm default): it works on all versions
  • with TERM=xterm (16 colors): it always works
  • when the xterm window was resized by user, the background color was restored
  • also, glitch occurs too when user suspend (ctrl-z) instead :q!
  • others curses programs work as expected

Steps to reproduce

  • on xterm -xrm '*buffered: true' instance
  • TERM=xterm-256color vis
  • :q!


vis version (vis -v)

all release versions and master, except 0.5

Terminal name/version


$TERM environment variable


Additional info: this is only an issue with the curses backend and only when you start with a theme like zenburn enabled. It doesn't happen if you switch to zenburn while running.

Additional info: this is only an issue with the curses backend and only when you start with a theme like zenburn enabled. It doesn't happen if you switch to zenburn while running.

yes. however, even in that situation, the problem yet occurs when, instead quitting with :q!, vis receive a TSTP signal (ctrl-z key on tty)
