martanne / vis

A vi-like editor based on Plan 9's structural regular expressions

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

logo proposal

d-s-a opened this issue · comments

As vis has no definite logo yet, I think it would be interesting to discuss possible logos for the project. I've seen another issue for a logo proposal, but that was 4+ years ago and it doesn't seem to get much attention. This is my logo proposal - it's definitely not perfect and I'm not a professional designer by any means, I simply really like this project and thought it could use a logo.

I am not graphic artist by any means either, but just a note: wouldn't it be better to have a logo in some more square-like format in the first place? Size 403x292 seems like really a non-standard size.

I am not graphic artist by any means either, but just a note: wouldn't it be better to have a logo in some more square-like format in the first place? Size 403x292 seems like really a non-standard size.

Now that you've mentioned it, I haven't even thought about size or aspect ratio in the first place. I'll do a redesign with these things in mind.