martanne / vis

A vi-like editor based on Plan 9's structural regular expressions

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How to place cursor at the left part of multiple selection?

lbvf50mobile opened this issue · comments


Second day I try to repeat actions from that I found in this pdf.

Time code is: 00:24.

After selection :x/^static .* cmd_[a-z]+\(.*; cursor moves inside the selection from the right part to the left.

I carefully read the help, even try to use :y/^static bool to remove left par of the selection, but in the demo there are some keys. What are they?

May be it is vis-selection-flip Flip selection, move cursor to other end or something else? Then how to bind this action to a hot-key?

Here I found that _ flip selection direction, swap cursor and anchor, but when look in the :help this symbol used for trimming from white spaces.

Thank you.

I believe what you're looking for is o. From the help:

  o                     Flip selection, move cursor to other end

This is what it says in the man page on my computer, too, but maybe the formatting is messed up in the link you posted.

thinlines, thank you a lot. It is that feature.