martanne / vis-test

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sam/commands/unicode-replace fails with LANG=C

paride opened this issue · comments

Error diff:

$ make LANG=C
Running test ./commands/unicode-replace with vis ... FAIL
Tests ok 27/28
make: *** [Makefile:2: test] Error 1

$ cat commands/unicode-replace.vis.err
--- ./commands/unicode-replace.sam.out  2020-07-07 12:13:42.274738166 +0200
+++ ./commands/unicode-replace.vis.out  2020-07-07 12:13:42.282738109 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@

Running the tests with make LANG=C.UTF-8 works.

The C.UTF-8 locale isn't in upstream glibc (see also #20), so it would break on different systems.

I suggest to set the environment variable to something suitable for your system.

If the test result is locale-dependent then the right locale should be set by the test script I think. What about setting LANG=en_US.UTF-8?