martanne / dvtm

dvtm brings the concept of tiling window management, popularized by X11-window managers like dwm to the console. As a console window manager it tries to make it easy to work with multiple console based programs.

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Using the alt key doesn't work

jcjordyn130 opened this issue · comments

I've tried messing with TERM and DVTM_TERM and for whatever reason I can't get alt to work.

ALT + key a combination of escape + key and another key.

If you enter cat and then press ALT + somekey, what do you see?

I also have weird behaviour using the alt key.

Input: alt + <letter/number>
Output: ^[1^[a^[2^[b

Input: alt + <arrowkey>
Output: nothing

I would like the alt + <arrowkey> combination to work, as it makes switching channels in irssi much easier.

@refacto: A workaround for having the life easier before a patch fix this: you can use

  • ctrl + n next channel
  • ctrl + p previous channel
  • alt + [number] to jump to channel number
  • alt + a to jump to last channel with activity

Of course the real solution is having it fixed in dvtm.

On my side, I have ^[[1;3D (so it works). Maybe it is a dvtm, maybe it is a libtermkey bug...

@refacto: do you have some more info about the escape sequences you send to dvtm?

As an example, you can check (this time outside dvtm) with cat + enter and then some arrow key.

Also, the output of echo $TERM would be useful.

This will help to reproduce the issue.