martanne / abduco

abduco provides session management i.e. it allows programs to be run independently from its controlling terminal. That is programs can be detached - run in the background - and then later reattached. Together with dvtm it provides a simpler and cleaner alternative to tmux or screen.

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Programmatically send keys to session

dyamon opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to replace tmux with dvtm+abduco, but I just realized that one of the features I use doesn't seem to be present in the latter solution.

With tmux, I'm able to send keypresses to a session without being attached to it with the tmux send-keys command. The command target is a session+window+pane but it seems like abduco doesn't know anything about windows/panes and dvtm doesn't know anything about sessions.

Is there a way to achieve this? Is it even feasible to implement something like this?

Something like abduco -c hi and echo -n Hello | abduco -a hi (in another shell)?

It works indeed, thanks! I thought the second command would attach the current shell to the hi session, but this behavior actually makes more sense!

It’s thanked to the so called pass-through mode[*], but -p can be omitted since stdin is not a tty in the above case.

You can read more (one sentence) about it in the manual page, but it’s certainly better to take a short glimpse into the source code so you will understand what’s going on. But at the end of the day it does what you need. :)

*: Data flows only from stdin->server, but not in the other way.

Thanks for the pointer!

Also, let's say that I want to to run some command command in dvtm on the 2nd window in the stack tagged with 3. I should be able to write a script that uses dvtm -c ... to focus the right window, pipe command into abduco -a ... and maybe restore the original focus with dvtm -c again.

Am I right?

Yes… you can do everything. You do not even need that two separate dvtm -c calls because you (can) give commands to dvtm with ... | abduco session.

For example, assuming that your dvtm modifier is C-g, you can do so: printf '\x07cecho Hello World\ndate\n\x07k' | abduco -a session.

(Really just to make sure, when you wrote "pipe command into abduco -a", command must generate keyboard input; so vi | abduco -a is wrong.)

Oh ok, even better! Thank you very much.

Also looking at the abduco manpage I saw that one of the examples explains exactly how to send keypresses to a session. Sorry if the initial question was trivially answered by the manpage!

I think the issue can be closed.