martanne / abduco

abduco provides session management i.e. it allows programs to be run independently from its controlling terminal. That is programs can be detached - run in the background - and then later reattached. Together with dvtm it provides a simpler and cleaner alternative to tmux or screen.

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Preserve terminal state across sessions

martanne opened this issue · comments

abduco currently deliberately operates on the raw I/O byte stream and does not try interpret any communication happening between the supervised program and the attached terminals.

As a consequence the terminal state is currently not preserved across detach/attach cycles. This is a deliberate design decision. To properly fix this another utility (e.g. dvtm(1)) which already keeps track of the terminal state would need to be notified when a session is re-attached (e.g. by means of a signal) and restore it accordingly.

I would like to eventually implement that, but it is currently not a high priority. Mostly because the use cases that I am interested in, work "good enough".

I hope that clarifies the reason for issues like #23, #26 and #31.


I've run into an issue that I suspect is also caused by this.

When I do the following,

  • launch terminal (Alacritty, running Bash)
  • run neovim in an abduco session: abduco -c test nvim -u NONE
  • detach
  • switch focus away from terminal window (e.g. by running echo foo | dmenu, or simply cat and then selecting a different X window)

my terminal outputs ^[[O when it loses focus, and ^[[I when it regains focus.

It looks like Alacritty listens for input focus events, and upon receiving one, it writes a control sequence to the pty, using FocusIn/FocusOut sequences

  • ESC [ I if focus was gained
  • ESC [ O if focus was lost

If I reattach to the neovim session and quit neovim, my terminal returns to the correct behavior.