marlonpp / redux-resource

2kb resource management for Redux

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Redux Resource

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A tiny but powerful system for managing 'resources': data that is persisted to remote servers.

✓ Removes nearly all "boilerplate" code for remotely-stored data
✓ Tracks the status (pending, failed, success, etc.) of every request
✓ Encourages normalized state
✓ Works well with APIs that adhere to standardized formats, such as JSON API
✓ Works well with APIs that don't adhere to standardized formats, too
✓ Integrates well with lots of technologies: HTTP, GRPC, streams, redux-observable, redux-saga, and more
✓ Microscopic file size (2kb gzipped!)


To install the latest version:

npm install --save redux-resource@2.0.0-beta1


View the documentation at ⇗.

Quick Start

Follow this guide to get a taste of what it's like to work with Redux Resource.

First, we set up our store with a "resource reducer," which is a reducer that manages the state for one type of resource. In this guide, our reducer will handle the data for our "books" resource.

import { store, combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { resourceReducer } from 'redux-resource';

const reducer = combineReducers({
  books: resourceReducer('books')

const store = createStore(reducer);

Once we have a store, we can start dispatching actions to it. In this example, we initiate a request to read a book with an ID of 24, then follow it up with an action representing success. There are two actions, because requests usually occur over a network, and therefore take time to complete.

import { actionTypes } from 'redux-resource';
import store from './store';

// This action represents beginning the request to read a book with ID of 24. This
// may could represent the start of an HTTP request, for instance.
  type: actionTypes.READ_RESOURCES_PENDING,
  resourceName: 'books',
  resources: [24]

// Later, when the request succeeds, we dispatch the success action.
  resourceName: 'books',
  // The `resources` list here is usually the response from an API call
  resources: [{
    id: 24,
    title: 'My Name is Red',
    releaseYear: 1998,
    author: 'Orhan Pamuk'

Later, in your view layer, you can access information about the status of this request. When it succeeds, accessing the returned book is straightforward.

import { getStatus } from 'redux-resource';
import store from './my-store';

const state = store.getState();
// The second argument to this method is a path into the state. This method
// protects you from needing to check for undefined values.
const readStatus = getStatus(store, 'books.meta.24.readStatus');

if (readStatus.pending) {
  console.log('The request is in flight.');

else if (readStatus.failed) {
  console.log('The request failed.');

else if (readStatus.succeeded) {
  const book = state.books.resources[24];

  console.log('The book was retrieved successfully, and here is the data:', book);

This is just a small sample of what it's like working with Redux Resource.

For a real-life webapp example that uses many more CRUD operations, check out the zero-boilerplate-redux webapp ⇗. This example project uses React, although Redux Resource works well with any view layer.

Repository Structure

This repository is a Lerna project. That means it's a single repository that allows us to control the publishing of a number of packages:

Package Version Size Description
redux-resource npm version gzip size The main library
redux-resource-xhr npm version gzip size A library that includes basic CRUD action creators
redux-resource-plugins npm version gzip size A collection of common plugins
redux-resource-prop-types npm version gzip size Handy Prop Types to use with Redux Resource


Thanks for your interest in helping out! Check out the Contributing Guide, which covers everything you'll need to get up and running.


(Emoji key)

James, please

💻 🔌 📖 🤔

Stephen Rivas JR

💻 📖 🤔

Ian Stewart


Tim Branyen


Jason Laster




Javier Porrero


Smai Fullerton




Eric Valadas


Jeremy Fairbank


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!


2kb resource management for Redux

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 99.4%Language:HTML 0.6%