marlinspike / SustainSys-SAML-Federation-MVC

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This project demonstrates the Sustainsy.Saml2 library, which adds SAML2P support to ASP.NET web sites, allowing the web site to act as a SAML2 Service Provider.

It uses the Sustainsys notional Identity Provider (IDP), which can be a stand-in replacement for testing purposes.

Follow the directions on the Systainsys site to configure your ASP.NET app:

In Brief:

  • Most modifications will be in your Web.config file
  • Configure the ReturnURL in the "sustainsys.saml2 ..." Web.config section. It's set by default to localhost, which is appropriate for testing locally.
  • Add a reference to Sustainsys.Sanl2.Mvc
  • In the controller for the Return-URL, cast the Current.User.Identity to ClaimsIdentity to have access to the user's claims via the ClaimsIdentity's Claims enumeration



Language:JavaScript 66.9%Language:C# 15.8%Language:HTML 14.4%Language:CSS 2.5%Language:ASP.NET 0.4%