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for-loop in script-tag not working

markusBurda opened this issue · comments

I tried out this syntax:

$ const colors = ["red", "green", "blue"];
<for|color| of=colors>
<li style={
color: color

<for|color| of=colors>

<li style="color:red;">red</li>
<li style="color:green;">green</li>
<li style="color:blue;">blue</li>
<for|color| of=colors>

Unfortunately marko does not compile my for-loop inside the script tag. How can I solve this?

Why do you want paragraphs inside <script>? HTML itself won’t let you do that, and will instead parse the angle brackets as raw text:


…is the same thing as:


@markusBurda the <script> tag has it's body parsed as text (<style> and <textarea> are the same) as @tigt mentioned.

If you want to dynamically generate a script you can still interpolate in text, eg:

  window.x = ${JSON.stringify(input.something)};

Which is essentially the same as

  window.x = ${JSON.stringify(input.something)};

The paragraph inside the script tag is just an example. I want to loop over an Array of ad-slots and initialize them by using something like this:
googletag.defineSlot('dfpUrl', [[970, 250], [800, 250]], 'div-gpt-ad-tile-11').setTargeting('tile', [11]).addService(googletag.pubads());

To prevent to make some stupid concat logic in my backend I wanted to make the loop in the template.

Very bad, that its not working as I expected, but I found this solution for me:

$ {
const els = ["a", "b", "c"];
let blub = "gtm.blub();";
els.forEach(function(item){blub += "console.log("+item+")"});