markmarijnissen / famous-webpack-seed

Seed project for Webpack and Optional Cordova support.

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A root entry point fails

talves opened this issue · comments

If you create a root entry point, it fails by resolving [name]/bundle.js to 0/bundle.js

Are you assuming/deciding there will never be a root entry point?

I had this fixed with my solution of putting config.output.filename into a directory called js and resolving the name to js when there was a root entry point.


Sorry for removing that without consulting first. I was cleaning/restructering the project and I thought I could simplify some stuff. I couldn't follow all the path construction logic.

I guess I missed this used-case when refactoring.

Can we think of a simple, transparant way to support his use-case?

I remember now: You duplicated the image and source files. They were both in the root, as well as under /src/boilerplate. That confused me the most.

I think I just fixed it. I am unsure about the public path though. See 361ccbe

Cool. I've updated code according to your suggestions 9abbb69

Can we close the issue now?

All good and tested 👍

unfortunately I missed the case in the bundle for webpack-dev-server
You cannot have a . in your bundle path, because the browser will interpret it and remove. not an issue for me, but wanted you to be aware.