markmandel / brute

A simple and lightweight Entity Component System library for writing games with Clojure and ClojureScript.

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CLJX > Now autotest and don't work

markmandel opened this issue · comments

Not sure what is going on, but need to fix this.

I've noticed that now we have cljx, if I run (autotest) from the repl, then when files change on the file system (I'm usually running lein cljx auto at the same time), it will re-run the tests, but it doesn't load any changes in the files.

Ditto for when I refresh or refresh-all from tools.namespace.repl.

Loading the files into the REPL is fine, but I'm very used to my workflow with autotest and refresh, so I don't want to lose that.

@Janiczek you seen this one before?

Well, one thing I see there is (set-refresh-src!) and (set-refresh-all!) don't look into /target/generated/{src,test}/clj but into /{src,test}

What I've tested:

$ lein cljx auto

# in other terminal
$ lein repl
user=> (set-refresh-dirs "./target/generated/src/clj" "./dev")
("./target/generated/src/clj" "./dev")
user=> (autotest)
;; blablabla
All checks (52) succeeded.

Then in other window I changed create-uuid to always return "abc" (that should fail some tests).
When I saved:

;;; blablabla
FAILURE: 3 checks failed.  (But 23 succeeded.)

refresh and refresh-all also seem to work for me. Maybe the offending part is really the old path in dev/user.clj?

Thanks for looking into it. That looks like a nice find! I'll have a go with it tomorrow.