mariusz-schimke / GiGraph

Simple yet versatile library for generating graphs in the DOT language

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Attribute mclimit

Scandinav21 opened this issue · comments


How can I use attribute mclimit for dot graph ?
Didn't find any references :(

Thank you!


It seems I didn't expose this attribute as a property, but I'll do that when I find some time soon and will let you know. Thanks for reporting this!

For now, you can just do it this way:

graph.Attributes.Collection.SetCustom(DotAttributeKeys.McLimit, "1.0");

By the way, I'm very curious of an example how this setting impacts the output graph. Could you share your example graph with this attribute set so that I can see how the visualization differs with and without it? I haven't used it so far. Will be grateful.


Thank you for the tip!

As I figured out this attribute really didn't bring any changes.
I supposed than this parameter will reduce edge crossing but unfortunately not.

I have one more question about TBbalance attribute
I couldn't use this like mclimit, can you help with this point?

@Scandinav21, the attribute might have been added after I released the library, so it's not included in the consts yet. But since the consts are just strings, you can pass TBbalance to the metod directly:

graph.Attributes.Collection.SetCustom("TBbalance", "max");

@mariusz-schimke Thanks a lot and thank you for quick reply!


@Scandinav21, I just released a new version updated to the new attributes that appeared in Graphviz documentation since the last time I made a similar sync a longer while ago. Now you can access the attributes, that you referred to, by properties:

  • mclimit: graph.Layout.EdgeCrossingMinimizationScale = 1.0;
  • TBbalance: graph.Layout.FloatingNodeRank = DotRank.Max;