marius311 / CMBLensing.jl

The automatically differentiable and GPU-compatible toolkit for CMB analysis.

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Support non-square flat-sky maps

marius311 opened this issue · comments

I think the right (and also easiest) path is to have the Nside parameter in abstract type Flat{Nside,θpix,∂mode<:∂modes,D} <: Pix end just be a tuple of (Nx,Ny). This doesn't require changing any types. Then its just:

  • Update FFT planning to reflect rectangular maps
  • Have fieldinfo also return Nx and Ny keys which it unpacks out of Nside for you.
  • Search the code for references of Nside and make sure it makes sense.

One thing to decide is whether to still allow scalar Nside, which would imply a square map. This would make this change backwards compatible.

Above PR merged in 0.4.0.