marguerite / linux-bing-wallpaper

set Bing Wallpaper of the Day as your Linux Desktop's wallpaper

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

LXDE Support?

Fabioamd87 opened this issue · comments

The script says:

fabio@a514:~$ bingwallpaper 
Pinging Bing API...
Bing Image of the day:
Saving image to /home/fabio/Pictures/Bing/DivingGondola_EN-US11480704756_1920x1200.jpg
New wallpaper set successfully for LXDE.

but the wallpaper didn't get changed

solved by editing


(that was empty) and adding:

@lxpanel --profile Lubuntu
@pcmanfm --desktop --profile Lubuntu
@xscreensaver -no-splash

I think is the second line was necessary

After the update of tomorrow of Lubuntu 17.04 it seems to not work anymore.
The output isn't changed but the wallpaper doesn't change, I've checked and the options are still there in the autostart file

fabio@a514:~/Pictures/Bing$ pcmanfm -w YellowFrontedWoodpecker_EN-US12671581596_1920x1080.jpg 
fabio@a514:~/Pictures/Bing$ pcmanfm-qt -w YellowFrontedWoodpecker_EN-US12671581596_1920x1080.jpg 
** Message: x-terminal-emulator has very limited support, consider choose another terminal

I'm using lxde and not lxqt BTW with the first command I don't get results. with the second I get the error in terminal.


Hi Daniela,
With both commands the wallpaper remains the same.

I am sorry Daniela but I think I didn't understand correctly your first comment.


pcmanfm -w "/path/to/your/background"

without quotes works. Relative path in your last comment not.

but I still have problems with using pcmanfm-qt, that gives me the error that I've posted in my last message "x-terminal-emulator has very limited support"
it's the same errore that I get if I start "pcmanfm-qt" from terminal, it's not related with the script.

if the script would use pcmanfm instead of pcmanfm-qt it would be ok I suppose

> fabio@a514:~/bin/linux-bing-wallpaper$ chmod +x 
> fabio@a514:~/bin/linux-bing-wallpaper$ sudo ./ 
> [sudo] password for fabio: 
> ./ line 231: feh: command not found

but also after installing feh, the script, given as sudo, doesn't give any output and the wallpaper doesn't change.

also given as normal user.

fabio@a514:~/bin/linux-bing-wallpaper$ echo ${XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP}

thanks again

Hi Daniela, unfortunately still no result but thanks for following my problem.
what do you mean with "enclosed"? I started the script as root after installed feh and it doesn't work with no errors now.
as I said using pcmanfm instead of pcmanfm-qt works

Hi Daniela,
I am sorry but I cannot see the ATTACHMENT.
Im reading the conversation on github support website.

Hi daniela,
The script you've posted works correctly.

PS: I've noticed however, that the script never ends, also after changed the wallpaper, it would be nice to change the wallpaper with one command line.

Hi Daniela,
Let me understand, it is a different repo?

Thanks Daniela,
As a suggest, do I need to use your repo or I can wait the main repo to be updetd?
I saw that last updates on the main repo are months ago.

Hi Daniela,
I have noticed that the image file are no longer saved in the Bing folder, do you confirm this?


Hi Daniela,
I think this is a correct way of thinking, but it is also nice to have save this beautiful wallpaper somewhere.
What do you think about that? Maybe I can work on that.

Hi @dzmanto, I checked out your forked repo, 1. I see you're using ba(sh) instead of golang and 2. unfortunately you don't have issues enable for that repo. Should we be reporting issues on this ticket?

Hi @LHorace, how are issues enabled for this repository? Also, you are more than welcome to report issues. Cheers, Dani

Hi @dzmanto, check out, simply do the reverse?

You script in it's current implementation right now, attempts to download whatever image BING offers, than later resize image to higher resolution, however unfortunately, convert here is returning a black image on convert -resize. I would rather prefer attempting to download the highest resolution image possible, than fallback to whatever image BING gives, than resize. This would avoid image quality lost by up-scaling a image in some cases?

Sure, when I get time to do so! It's just rearranging your code, not to much work!