margelo / react-native-quick-crypto

⚡️ A fast implementation of Node's `crypto` module written in C/C++ JSI

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Failing to build for iOS with Fastlane error

apetta opened this issue · comments

The following build commands failed:
[RUN_FASTLANE]  CompileC /var/folders/88/t01zgnyn4v5frfwvx9zydw_w0000gn/T/eas-build-local-nodejs/604214d7-9e70-45ab-a16a-c350d4b3eaef/build/apps/native/ios/build/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ /var/folders/88/t01zgnyn4v5frfwvx9zydw_w0000gn/T/eas-build-local-nodejs/604214d7-9e70-45ab-a16a-c350d4b3eaef/build/node_modules/react-native-quick-crypto/cpp/Sig/MGLVerifyInstaller.cpp normal x86_64 c++ (in target 'react-native-quick-crypto' from project 'Pods')

Expo 49.0.13
Expo Dev Client 2.4.8
React Native 0.72.5
XCode 15

Same issue on XCode 14, so I don't think it's related to the current Xcode 15 bugs...

EAS Build runtime:

Using VM template "macos-ventura-13.4-xcode-14.3.1" running macOS Ventura 13.4

Installed software:

- Xcode 14.3.1 (14E300c)

- Node.js 16.18.1

- Bun 1.0.2

- Yarn 1.22.17

- pnpm 8.6.5

- npm 8.1.2

- fastlane 2.213.0

- CocoaPods 1.12.1

- Ruby 2.7

Actually, I think this is likely related to #187

@apetta Sure its related ? Im getting this same issue on AppCenter builds

@apetta Sure its related ? Im getting this same issue on AppCenter builds

Not sure about AppCenter, but I was able to resolve my issue with the patch shared on that issue - worth a try!

@apetta Sure its related ? Im getting this same issue on AppCenter builds

Not sure about AppCenter, but I was able to resolve my issue with the patch shared on that issue - worth a try!

Actually, I'm getting this again once I set the deploymentTarget to iOS 15/16 instead of omitting the field in expo-build-properties

Yeah can confirm it only works with "deploymentTarget": "13.0", anything higher breaks it... strange.

Patch didn't work for me. I fixed it specifying OpenSSl Version in Pods file under shared pods, maybe does the trick for you also.
pod "OpenSSL-Universal", "1.1.1100"

Patch didn't work for me. I fixed it specifying OpenSSl Version in Pods file under shared pods, maybe does the trick for you also. pod "OpenSSL-Universal", "1.1.1100"

Ha! was literally just doing the same thing! I patched the podspec file to specify the OpenSSL version

For anyone else facing this issue, you can use this patch:


@apetta i am getting an error on pod install, after use the patch you posted.

[!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "OpenSSL-Universal":
In Podfile:
OpenSSL-Universal (= 1.1.1100)

react-native-quick-crypto (from `../node_modules/react-native-quick-crypto`) was resolved to 0.6.1, which depends on
  OpenSSL-Universal (~> 1.1.2200)

Specs satisfying the OpenSSL-Universal (= 1.1.1100), OpenSSL-Universal (~> 1.1.2200) dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target.

The package has been updated, can you all give it a try with the latest version please?

The package has been updated, can you all give it a try with the latest version please?

Would love to try it, but the package still seems to be at 0.6.1

Yeah, my bad, thought a new version was released. I will ping you once a new version is out, currently fixing some merge issues on my PRs

Is there a timeline more or less? I have another package that depends on deployment target being ios 14, which causes the build failure.

Yeah, my bad, thought a new version was released. I will ping you once a new version is out, currently fixing some merge issues on my PRs

Currently under review #200

Build failing:

[RUN_FASTLANE] ⚠️  Script has ambiguous dependencies causing it to run on every build.
   To fix, go to: Xcode » Plenty420Find420Singles/Plenty420Find420Singles » Build Phases » '[CP-User] [RNFB] Crashlytics Configuration'
   Either: Uncheck "Based on dependency analysis", or select output files to trigger the script

[RUN_FASTLANE]     Run script build phase 'Create Symlinks to Header Folders' will be run during every build because it does not specify any outputs. To address this warning, either add output dependencies to the sc
[RUN_FASTLANE] ▸ The following build commands failed:
[RUN_FASTLANE] ▸        CompileC /var/folders/cr/ny6vby1n7qbdhk5jsyhd0vtr0000gn/T/eas-build-local-nodejs/afe439ec-5b42-489d-8f1f-d15925719e68/build/ios/build/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ /var/folders/cr/ny6vby1n7qbdhk5jsyhd0vtr0000gn/T/eas-build-local-nodejs/afe439ec-5b42-489d-8f1f-d15925719e68/build/node_modules/react-native-quick-crypto/cpp/Sig/MGLVerifyInstaller.cpp normal x86_64 c++ (in target 'react-native-quick-crypto' from project 'Pods')
[RUN_FASTLANE] ▸ (1 failure)

Using 0.61

  version "0.6.1"
  resolved ""
  integrity sha512-s6uFo7tcI3syo8/y5j+t6Rf+KVSuRKDp6tH04A0vjaHptJC6Iu7DVgkNYO7aqtfrYn8ZUgQ/Kqaq+m4i9TxgIQ==
    "@craftzdog/react-native-buffer" "^6.0.5"
    "@types/node" "^17.0.31"
    crypto-browserify "^3.12.0"
    events "^3.3.0"
    react-native-quick-base64 "^2.0.5"
    stream-browserify "^3.0.0"
    string_decoder "^1.3.0"